Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mt Tit-What?

After viewing my "Stealthy Bird" entry, Heather (my colleague and fan) comment:

"Stunning photo!! Looks great enlarged on desktop...but... an unfortunate name for such a lofty mountain!!

I can imagine your wife with her face squashed up against the window while you are leaning over,clicking away! ha ha. Poor little bird.It would be cold and lonely up there.

This is what I read about "Mt Titless ", Mt Titlis is all about the views. The Swiss Alps are simply breathtaking and to even try to put their beauty and scenery into words does not even come close to doing them justice. Even people from spectacular alpine areas like Canada and New Zealand agree.

Having never been to Switzerland,I can't say too much but I can say that its very much like Arthur`s pass in the southern alps.

Here is a poem in honour of this little bird:

Soar not too high, O bird of Hope!
Because the skies are fair;
The tempest may come on apace
And overcome thee there.

When far above the mountain tops
Thou soarest, over all –
If, then, the storm should press thee back,
How great would be thy fall"

Good one, Heather!

To put the record straight, my wife did not squash against the window, this is where I shot that Super-Bird.

I was perching against the railing, why I did not shoot a pano? Hmmm... may be I did, gotta find those freaking negatives first!

Here are a shot of the cable car that took us up and how the village look from inside the car cabin.

Switzerland is such a beautiful country! A shot from our fast moving bus of the fairly tale like town of Salzburg is surrounded by the Alps...

Why... some part of the country could be mistaken as New Zealand! :)

1 comment:

  1. Isn`t Salzburg where the Sound Music was filmed?Wondeful photos.It`s almost like being there.There is a wonderful sense of peace and belonging and timelessness in the mountains,,Lofty mountains rising up like cathedrals all around,sublime vistas,snow clad peaks which lend themselves to the saturnal,poignant renditions of Mendelssohn and Beethoven.

    "You ask me why I dwell in the green mountain;
    I smile and make no reply for my heart is free of care.
    As the peach-blossom flows down stream
    and is gone into the unknown,
    I have a world apart that is not among men."
    Li Po 701 -762
