Friday, October 8, 2010

The Versatile Point-&-Shoot

While commenting on the impractical of the new 35x zoom Canon PowerShot SX30 IS compact camera, a reader; (hiding behind a name of "TM") have this to say about me :)

"Who really cares if you have been a photojournalist all your working life? I guess that makes you an expert in all types of photography?
For pro wildlife photographers, the Canon 800 f5.6 is a very practical lens that costs over $10,000.

For amateur photographers the 840mm reach on the SX30 will be practical, especially for under $500.

As a know-it-all photojournalist, you should know that large fees have been paid for terrible-quality images used by The National Enquirer, major newspapers, etc. I’m sure the SX30 at 840mm will produce images as good or better than some of those images.

Did you ever see the terrible quality images of the assassination of President Kennedy? Too bad some of those photographers did not have a SX30 at that time.
So maybe you should look up the meaning of “practical”."

WOW! Where was he coming from?
"TM" continued with:

"Go take some cheap shots with your expensive gear.

For your education, P&S cameras outsell DSLR’s by more than 100 to 1. Why? Because they find them practical for their needs.

Did you get kicked off a DSLR forum, so you came to Troll a P&S thread?"

The plot thickens when he was joined by "Sett", adding fuel to the fire:

"Again, this camera should work nicely for the amateur photographer wanting an ultra zoom feature, and not have to worry about hauling around a backpack full of lenses"

Don't you just love critics like that? :)

Well, if "TM" and "Sett"; especially; read my posting they will realise the following:

1) I have been promoting the beauty of P&S for years! You can read them here, here and here.

2) Way back in the early 80's, working with the paper; I realised the advantage of P&S; I had with me the Nikon 35AF and the Rollie 35! I still have the Rollie :)

3) I only shoot my work assignments with expensive gear because we need the speed and the very fast AF. AND they are supplied by the paper ;)

4) When I go traveling, I use P&S and not; like "Sett" concluded; "a bag full of lenses".

The Brisbane rainbow was shot with a Nikon Coolpix 8400 compact on a $50 mini tripod. No bag full of lenses needed, Sett.

Reflection of the Auckland Sky Tower, taken with the same Coolpix 8400. I love the 24 mm eqv lens on this little gem! If only the RAW write is faster!

I love how I can mount my compact on a monopod to get a overhead shot without a ladder :) Here, the 8400 was triggered by it's self timer. It's tiny twist-able screen help. The Canon G12 will be idea in this mode!

This beautiful Australian coast was shot with the 8400 on a raised monopod. Still without a bag full of lenses, TM.

The famous Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne was shot the same way!

The slow RAW write speed of most compact made grab shot difficult. After a while you learn when to release the shutter for that single shot! Again with the 8400, in front of the Flinders Street Station in Melbourne.

It's all about timing! The 8400 lock up after you took your shot in RAW, by the time you are able to shoot again; the action flew away... ha ha ha. Feeding the birds happened in Melbourne.

The tiny built in flash of the 8400 was surprising powerful at the Melbourne Aquarium.

You do not need a bag full of expensive lenses to be near a VIP ;) Here the New Zealand Prime Minister, John Key mingled with the happy crowd in Auckland. A Canon G9 was used.

No flash needed, this available light shot of a CNY stall in Auckland was shot at a low 1/20 second and f2.8. It is amazing the anti shake gizmo work! Canon G9 again.

The humble P&S, you sure came a long way!

Famous Last Words:

Oh.. before I forget, "TM"; I never claim " that makes me an expert in all types of photography?" You guess wrong!

Guess what? I am still learning! But you sure sound like an expert in all types of photography!
Happy P&S everybody!

1 comment:

  1. I have never had any other camera except a point and shoot. I like my little camera for it`s portability,,(fits in my pocket) and people don`t notice me taking photos.I don`t have the added stress of worrying about expensive accessories that goes with a DSLR It`s a good little camera for me because it`s user friendly.,, easy to use.
    The best thing about a point and shoot is that because there is a wide range of reasonably priced cameras on the market,photograpy, as a hobby, has become a lot more accessible than it ever was.
