My 25 year old 80-200 zoom mount to the E-P2 with a Voigtlander F adapter.
Well, my dream turned into a nightmare; up at the look out I discovered the 7 fleet (I mean ship ;) ) are docked in different spot; no spectacular shot for me!
It was then I remember that I had never taken any shot with this "Good Old Glass" on the E-P2!
This is a good chance to see if it perform as well as on the Nikon D300 body!
From where I was, I can see Wellington Airport; the top picture was shot at 200 mm f5.6. The E-P2 was on continuous. Nine frames were taken of the plane lifting off. The lower picture is a 100% crop of another frame.
The small marina at Miramar, this is a 100% crop.
A 200% crop from a 200 mm shot. I think the zoom can do better than that!
Famous Last Words...
I was not totally impress with the performance of this old zoom, I know it can perform better than this! Like when it was used on a D300 body.
I think the chunky lens is too front heavy for a small camera body like the E-P2.
Even with the excellent VF2 electronic view finder, the front heavy set up is hard to focus accurately. Don't even bother if you do not have a VF2!
My next test will be with the same combo on a solid tripod, lets see if that make any difference.
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Great old Glass! Nikkor 80-200 f4 Zoom
My Nikon E-P2
I thought the body of the camera looked to small for the lense too.It`s like a small lady with huge heavy!