Monday, May 13, 2013

Ezy Sop Kambing (Easy Mutton Soup)

Sop Kambing (Goat Soup in Malay) is one of Malaysian, Indian and Indonesian cuisine's best-known dishes.

All of us love Sop Kambing but so far we have not discover any restaurant  in Wellington serving this yummy Malaysian fare :(

So I devised a fast and simple but yummy version myself!

The ingredient...

2 Kg of goat meat, with bones (I get mine from Pak & Save, Kilbernie)
2 onions
3 large potatoes
2 large carrots
3 packets of Bamboe Sop mix (Most Asian stores stock them)


A Large pressure cooker (mine is made by Tefal, it is 13 years old; no prob)

In the 1950s, cheap pressure cookers have a tendency to behave like a bomb; even to this day, there are people who are downright paranoid about them!

Toady's pressure cookers, however; are well engineered and equip with safety features. We have two and use them when we need to save cooking time, there is a really good write up about this marvelous cooking utensil.

Lets get started...

Skinned and diced the potatoes, onions and carrots.

The goat bones are cut into smaller chunks and put in the pressure cooker, cover the meaty bones with boiling water; turn up the heat, but do NOT put on the cooker's lid.

At the first sign of the water boiling, drain and discard the bloodied water.

Add in and cover the goat bones with fresh boiling water, stir in the two packets of Bamboe paste.

Boiled uncovered for 10 minutes, while scooping out all the scum on the soup surface.

At the end of 10 minutes, put in the diced carrots; onions and potatoes. Notice I do not cover the vegetable with water, the three veggies will produce their own juices.

Bring the soup back to boil, once there; put on the pressure cooker's lid. Once you notice the cooker has reach full pressure, turn the heat down to maintain the pressure and start a 15 minutes count down.

Different pressure cooker used different way to inform you when the cooking pressure reached the maximum, my Tefal's "red sensor" button on the handle will rise to indicate that. The "knob" above the red button will also start to release a small amount of steam to maintain the pressure.

Fifteen minutes later (not any longer), turn off the heat completely and let the cooker stand for another 10 minutes.

To release the pressure safely and quickly, I put the cooker under the cold tap and run water on the cover for 5 seconds; when I see the red sensor button falls to it's recess position, I know I can now open the lid safely.

Warning - DO NOT use the running cold tap method if your pressure cooker is made of aluminium!  The sudden cool down might crack the pot!

Serve and enjoy!

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