Sunday, November 10, 2013

The New Df, Nikon's Wet Dream?

Wet Dream? In this respect, after all the excitements and climaxes; Nikon might discover their euphoria was just a dream :(

The new Nikon Df has created excitement where ever it was launched, but after the initial euphoria subsides; how many photographers will plonk down their hard earned cash  to own this retro wonder?

Who is Nikon targetting this full frame machine anyway?

One reviewer reckoned the huge population of over-60 photographers will shake with excitement, finally; a DIGITAL SLR with shutter speeds and ISO DIALS... just like the good old days of FM and FA!  We will feel like, we came home!


Below are my two cents why I think Nikon's new retro baby is a failure...

Fallacy that +60 photographers will want the Df.

I think Nikon forgot that the +60 are mostly RETIRED, we have to be careful how we spend our $$$; how many of us will plonk down a whopping US$3,000 for this retro DSLR?

Fallacy that the $2996.95 (that's USD!) for a Df with the kit lens is a good value.

In New Zealand the Df kit will cost at least NZD 3,900.. compare that to a much higher specs D800; NZD 4,198 of 36.3 MP instead of the Df's miserable 16.2. Suddenly, the value argument don't hold water; but.. the Df is retro ;)

And according to Camera Size, the new Nikon Df is LARGER and HEAVIER than the new Sony A7! Both, of course; are FULL FRAME ;)

With that in mind, how are the +60 cope with that kind of weigh? The freaking body alone weighs 765g! Don't forget those BIG, HEAVY lenses!

Being one of the +60 that, when on holiday; find even the OM-D was getting too heavy, and you expect me to buy the Df?

At our age, this will be my perfect camera...

Small is beautiful!

At the recent Df launch in Kuala Lumpur, Nikon Malaysia confirmed that with the f1.8 kit lens; the retro will cost RM 9,700 (NZD3,700)... 

The high price was suddenly dampened by Sony Malaysia on the SAME DAY, they announced that from 8th to 28th of this month; their new A7 will only cost RM 5,999, and it came with a Zeiss 28-70 zoom too!


Mind you, I think the Nikon Df is a really good camera; it will give you really good results.  Even the famous photographer Joe McNally said so...

1 comment:

  1. I'm not so sure if I agree with you on price CY - after all the Canon EOS 5D currently retails for at least $3800 (BODY ONLY). I think it looks great, and at 46 I can still carry around a big camera. I can't see myself buying it though - too much invested in my Canon gear and looking at spending a bit more (found a ridiculous bargain recently).
