Friday, September 29, 2017

PANASONIC LEICA 8-18 at f/2.8 & Up Close

After I published the review of the Panasonic Leica DG 8-18mm f2.8-4 lens, a reader wanted to know how good is the lens at FULL f/2.8 and if this delightful Leica M43 zoom any good at close range.

Sadly, I do not have this Leica zoom anymore, it has been returned to Panasonic New Zealand!

Digging into the hundreds of shots I took with this lens and examining the embedded meta data, I was relieved that some shots were taken at full f/2.8 setting!

Before I start, I would like to point out that the "bright" f/2.8 setting is only available at 8mm (16mm eq) zoom setting. As soon as you move away from 8mm, you are getting a little less light, until you ended up with f/4 at 18mm.

This shot was taken at 8mm, f/2.8, lets take a look at the corner at 100%.

Notice how sharp it is even at f/2.8?  Nice!!

Again at 7mm, f/2.8, close range.

At close range, f/2.8, 100% crop.

The second week that I was having this ultra-wide zoom, I attended an art exhibition called "TINY PORTIONS".

"The art is small but the flavours are big. Grab your magnifying glass for this small-scale free exhibition, featuring iconic Wellington dishes created in miniature by Rose Young of Tiny Portions. The minuscule servings have been chosen by the region’s food personalities and hospitality legends, telling stories of Wellington’s dining scene both historic and current." 

Perfect exhibition to test this zoom in shooting close-up!

From the result you would agree that this Leica zoom gave a very good close-up performance!

We also went to the K-Culture Festival...

Grab a quick shot of Wellington from the sea front...

Enlarge to 100%+ to see how sharp it is at 18mm..

Finally, a beautiful Father's Day shot with my family at f/2.8, no, I DID NOT get this lovely Leica lens as a Father's Day present ;)

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