I think this news should win the "You gotta be kidding!" award!
No, I am NOT kidding ;)
Heading in our local newspaper today...
Cars registered as ambulances to save cash!
The news item went on to report:
Motorists are claiming their vehicles are ambulances to save hundreds of dollars in registration fees.
The problem is particularly bad in Otago, where 230 ambulances are registered, nearly as many as in Auckland, where there are 10 times as many people, the Otago Daily Times reported today.
A Matter-Of-Fact-Spoke-Person of the New Zealand Transport Agency media manager Andy Knackstedt said he believed there were only 40 genuine ambulances in Dunedin.
He believed, but he is NOT sure; there might be MORE? ;)
"I guess it comes down to people's willingness to falsely register their vehicles." DUH!
The REAL Wellington Free Ambulance (WFA) provides free to the patient, ambulance services in the Wellington Region of New Zealand.