This time round, photographers are being honored; about bloody time too!
The book, hopefully; will feature some of the BEST pictures that made The Star famous.
Among the thousands of pictures taken is a Decisive Moment shot that has been printed more than a MILLION times ;)
I am proud that yours truly took that picture!
1986, Pulau Tikus; Penang...
After a two year stint with The New Straits Times, I rejoined The Star; the second time.
I was covering the Malaysian general election in Penang, at the Pulau Tikus polling center I spotted this boy waiting for his mother to cast her vote.
There were two issues here, you spotted the boy; you realised it is a decisive moment; the next FIVE seconds will decide how FAST and how well PREPARED you are with your camera!
Within seconds the boy left, the moment was; decisive after all!
When Is It My Turn?