We look forward to the NZMS (New Zealand Malaysian Society) CNY (Chinese New Year) dinner on Saturday (5th Feb) night at Regal Chinese Restaurant, we especially look forward catching up with friends whom we only meet once or twice a year!
Some complained that NZMS should have held the dinner on a later date because of the NZI Rugby Seven games which happened on the same day.
By 5 p.m. Saturday, all the road going in and out of Courtenay Place will be closed to traffic for the huge, after the game street party held inside.
For me though, Saturday is a plus; since I intended taking some pictures of the fun costumes young people put on just for the games :)
So on Saturday Le General and I landed on the 4th floor car park of Reading Cinemas where I parked my Lancer VRX Sportback for $8.00. That's a far cry from the $20.00 had we travel by bus from Karori!
We spent the next two hours sitting on a bench, at a bus stand; watching the merry makers going by ;)