New Southern Chinese Lions must be blessed by a traditionally ceremony called the Hoi Gong (开光 eye opening/dotting).
Traditionally a new lion should not be used if it hasn't gone through the Hoi Gong ceremony.
According to the tradition if the lion is used at any kind of event without being blessed or awakened it will bring misfortune and bad luck.
"Dotting the Eye" refers in particular to the Chinese tradition of painting in the eye of the Chinese lion before the start of the lion dance to awaken the spirit of the lion.
Hoi Gong is a traditional ceremony to bless and awaken a new lion or in a more traditional concept bring down the spirit of the lion from the heaven and give it life. In other words this ceremony signifies the existence or birth of a new lion into the world.
New dragons and lions...
The WCSCC (Wellington Chinese Sports and Cultural Centre) Cultural Group have a very active Dragon Troupe.