I told her, physically; I am unable to cover the ceremonies. To get a good coverage you are looking at FIVE hours for each ceremony and trotting a bag full of heavy camera and lenses (300mm included) is for younger photographers :)

Picture above show our eldest girl May-N, Lamont and friends during their march in 2001.
Two years later, our Ming-N did the same route!

The ceremony at MFC is a photographer's nightmare ;) It is dark, dark, dark! And you are seated miles away!
For the picture below, to get a acceptable shot of my subject receiving the scroll, I used a 180 mm f2.8 lens on monopod and I shoot at ISO 1600; f4 and 1/400 second. The DX size of the Nikon D300 gave me a "true" focal length of about 300 mm. Noise Ninja was also used to tone down the shadow noise.
Even though I was unable to shoot the ceremonies, I think Rachael is happy that I offered to take a few hours "time off work" to shoot some family portraits for her.
So last Wednesday I arrived at her place at 9.30 am, I told her before hand that everyone must be ready by 10 am. I intended to go back to work at 11.30 am.
If you are shooting family portraits as a paid freelancer, it is important that you inform your client what time you expect them to be ready, or it might cost you more time than you estimated for the job.
I decided to shoot the formal pose with my subjects sitting around the leather sofa in the lounge, I like the backdrop of the huge bay window with nice greenery. I proceed to take some test shots to check my exposures.

Knowing many shots need to be taken and to make life easier, my camera/flash combo was sitting on a monopod during the shoot.
The most difficult part of getting a good group shots of more than five is to make sure everyone have their eyes open during exposure! As the number of the group increase, more and more shots will have someone closing their eyes! I call this the "Eyes Wide Shut Syndrome". ;)
This is the best shot out of twenty.

If you must use a shorter lens, in this instance a 20/2.8 (effectively 32mm); you can isolate the distracting background with the Gaussian Blur filter in Photoshop.
Famous Last Words:
Resists using complicated background in family portraits, most often than not the background distract the main subject; the family!
Usually, the more simple the background, the better it bring out the portraits!
Shooting outdoor have it's advantages, a long lens and wide aperture setting can give a pleasant result! The Soh/Tan family was shot at the Petone pier on a cloudy day. A Canon 80-200 zoom was used on my first personal DSLR, the Canon D60.

1 comment:
Nice family.I like the photo of the family on the couch, No glare from behind and even tones.Nice..One day I will do one like that..
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