Sunday morning, as usual we got up pretty late and at 1 pm; drag ourselves to the Sunday open market next to the Te Papa Museum car park. After buying what we need, on our way back to our parked car; we were stunned to notice the new block of high rise apartment opposite the museum! We don't remember it going up, you know the feeling? Go to show how unobservant we are! Ha ha ha...
Then my wife saw the "Open for viewing" sign and got all excited, we MUST go and take a look; who know, we might be able to afford one!
A nice man ushered us to the still "unwrap" lift which took us to the 6th floor where the show apartment is. I noticed the lift is equipped with a ultra modern digital panel... as a matter of fact, the whole apartment are out fitted with ultra modern tap wares and kitchen fittings.
I comment the "hall way" is very narrow and one of the room took a double bed and there are no space left! Feeling a bit disappointed we move forward to the living room and the aerial view from the sun drenched balcony hit us and we are speechless! WHAT A VIEW!

At that moment I wanted to kick myself not having my camera with me! So may be Heather was right after all? Should have carry my Canon G9 point and shoot at least! But hold on! What about the LG Viewty mobile phone in my shirt pocket? I was told it have a FIVE mega pixel camera built in?
The LG phone was presented to me for giving a seminar in KL, December 2007! All that time I did not have the chance to use it as a camera until now! And the results speak for itself! The two pictures above were both taken with the LG phone. Not bad eh?
But the real surprise was after I came home and stitch the two photos I took with the LG on the balcony of the Piermont Apartment!
Take a look at the detailed panorama picture by clicking on it! You can see the car park where the Sunday open market is held.

But what about the apartment?
It is beautiful, nice and that million dollars view... yes, million dollars or just about! The one we were looking at is NZ$800,000.00 and after you throw in the furniture and another $60,000 for a car park, a cool million bucks plus plus! Do I look like a millionaire photographer to you?
Oh... if you live there, there are other "perks" like you can take a nice walk by the bay anytime; may be chat up others who stay in the million dollars apartment beside the marina, just a stone throw from where you are!
Or you can walk your dog along the waterfront and admire beautiful people and machines near the Oversea Terminal, also a five minutes stroll from you!

On a nice day, you can chill out in front of this classical Wellington vista! Or even play rugby on the man-made beach at Oriental Bay!

May be that one million dollars investment is valid after all? :)
Only the first three pictures are taken with the LG KU990 mobile phone camera. The rest of the pictures were taken with a Nikon D300 and Canon G9 digital cameras.
Hi CY, If you did not mentioned, who would believe the first 3 pixs were from 'small wonder' and with expert touch... cheers,
Andy Lim
Seeing is believing, hahaha. A real small wonder from LG mobile phone, I liked the stitch picture. As usual CY is good at it.
Wow!Must be a really good camera phone! I would not have guessed just by looking at them.
I love Wellington. It has an intimate egalitarian,feel,partly due to imaginative and forward thinking town planners,It it a city with a "soul".,,however..I wouldnt like to live in a flat without a garden, I would miss my fruit trees and my vege garden.
Hmmmmmm...I could buy one of those apartments for a weekend retreat, like an inner city bach.
Wow, what a professional photo blog. I had no trouble googling it. I do like your photos. Good photos are indeed about capturing the right moments aye... im kinda learning to do that. Thanks to digital photography, Im not wasting too much film...
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